ScreenPal (Screen & Web Cam Recorder)

Use this world famous recorder to record on-screen activity for short tutorials (UP TO 15 MINUTES), visual presentations, and communicate while you demonstrate!

Upload your videos directly to your ScreenPal account and share a link in your class. 

ScreenPal is a free tool used to create content for your course. Once you use this tool you will be addicted. You can create screen capture videos and send them up to your ²¹³¦³¦´Ç³Ü²Ô³ÙÌý

  • To find out how to use this great tool, you can watch the ScreenPal tutorials here: 
  • Studies show that micro videos are more effective and engaging than longer videos. After 10 minutes you may lose your audience. 
  • IMPORTANT NOTE! Please DO NOT load Mp4 files directly into Plato. You can save them up to your ScreenPal account and then share the web link with your class.