Maria del Mar Farina, PhD, LICSW, MBA
Featuring "How Racism Makes Us Sick" TED Talk by Dr. Wiliams (2016); and "Becoming American" Unnatural Causes (2011).
Maria del Mar Farina, PhD, LICSW, MBA offers this two-part webinar to provide social workers with an integrative framework for working with Latine individuals, children and families. Part I provides an overview of the social determinants of health and its implications for immigrant communities in the United States. Special attention is paid to dynamics that affect Latine immigrant integration, including refugee, asylum and immigration policy and their implications for social workers serving the Latine and/or other immigrant, refugee and asylum-seeking communities. Contemporary acculturation frameworks and their implications for the supervisory and clinical relationship are introduced and explained.
(narrated in English with English subtitles)
To earn 1 Social Work or Nursing CEU credit complete:
Social Work Supervision in Substance Use Disorder & Addiction Treatment: Use of Language, Knowledge, and Self.
C. Baxter Chandler, LICSW, MA-PGS
Social work practice with people dealing with substance use disorders (SUD) and addictions is both challenging and rewarding. Supporting social work students in practicum with this population is essential for training the next generation of social workers in meeting the need for high quality service and care. This presentation is designed for supervisors of social work students, to help interns build confidence and skills with SUD/addiction clients. The importance of addressing supervision issues with this specific population will be outlined. Then we will explore how to encourage the use of non-judgmental and non-stigmatizing language in working with SUD/addiction populations. Supervisors will be shown how to access and utilize current information on SUD/addictions. Finally, we will look at how to help students be more aware of issues related to boundaries and countertransference, including the use of mindfulness.
To earn 2 Social Work or Nursing CEU credits complete: